New season, 2010
Alright! Yes, we're back from the WI - with the trophy! Vaughany never leaves home without one, as all you England cricket fans know...! Great to see my team still out there, doing it one more time for MPV [as some of them like to call me].
I was on commentary for TMS [why am I telling you that - you were all tuned in to my wise and humble words, going right across the world...!] and what words they were. Here's a little secret I know Colly won't mind me letting you into. 'Hey Skip,' he said to me, 'Do you reckon I could put a wire in my ear - it would look like one of those ones that the commentators use to ask the players questions on the field, but really, it'd be tuned into TMS?'
'We won't get away with it kiddo,' I told him. 'But bless you - when you're thinking WWMPVD? [that's What Would Michael Paul Vaughan Do, as if you need telling!] you and the lads can just look up at the comm box and I'll be there, an omnipresent leader, high in the sky!'
So mystery solved! That's why you TV viewers would have seen the lads keep looking heavenwards - they were just getting their fix of MPV!
I like the look of young Kieswetter. Modesty forbids me from telling you which right-handed opener he reminds people of! I wasn't the only one to remark on the similarity of Swanny's action to my own humble off-spin either! ['Tell me about the time you bowled Sachin with the perfect off-break Vaughany,' he always asking me. 'Hey Swanny lad, you don't want to hear that old story again do you, I reply! - He does though.]
People are always coming up to me and saying, 'the season just doesn't seem the same any more,' and I know I've hung the old bat up ['better than hanging it out like you used to,' as Fletch joked to me the other day - he's a laugh a minute, that guy!] but never fear, cricket will carry on. It must.
And if you're thinking, 'hey, it's not quite as good now', why not pick yourself up one of these for the lounge room wall. That'll keep you thinking of the glory days!
Till next time!
Three memories of cricket in 2024
2 months ago
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