A bomb went off at Grace Road yesterday, one of those comedy cartoon ones that has 'BOMB' written on the side in big white letters and a long fuse that slowly burns down while it gets passed between the characters, everyone wondering who'll be left holding it when it finally explodes. Matthew Hoggard, Tim Boon and chairman Neil Davidson turned out to be the ones covered in soot.
As with lots of wars these days, it wasn't entirely clear afterwards who had won. Hoggy, being Hoggy and one of England's stoutest yeomen, has all of Leicester on his side, including the players, staff and membership. But this is county cricket, and this is England, and so Neil Davidson has his job title and the minutiae of company procedure on his [The Skiver provides an excellent summary here*].
Ex-milkman Davidson then did what all chairmen under the cosh do - he immediately went on holiday. Poor old Hoggy, who must be wondering exactly what he has done to offend the Gods over the past couple of years, had to go and bowl at Mark Ramprakash. Ramps only got 179 not out. Under that famous stack of hair, Hoggy grimaced and ran in once more, uphill and into the wind.
* J-rod was presumably otherwise disposed appearing on the radio. I was driving home minding my own business when he turned up on Five Live, defending the indefensible Ricky Ponting. I almost crashed my car...
Three memories of cricket in 2024
2 months ago
I thought I called him stupid.
See, there you go again, defending him.
I just liked the fact I didn't come off as the least professional person of the three.
I work with the Barmy Army and saw your post. Great post but no more arguing guys!Ha.
For anyone who wants to head out to see the Ashes, you only have 5 DAYS LEFT to win an amazing Barmy Army Experience of a lifetime at the Ashes in Australia this winter!!! Click here to enter NOW!!!! http://tiny.cc/ev7om
yup, Peter Allen lost it at the end there - the thought of eion Morgan was too much for him...
I heard that with Jrod as well.
Hearing old Peter Allen say 'Cricket with Balls' at the end of the interview was something I never imagined I would ever hear.
Jrod, (I know this is the wrong blog to address you) I turned over to Talksport straight after hearing you and they had Freddie on. You know you've made it when you're called upon to go head-to-head with the great Flintoff.
PS, does anyone know where I can find an organized tour to OZ this winter? I'm after the experience of a lifetime.
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