Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Keith Bradshaw Appeal

Many may remember Sara Bradshaw's excellent blog, written while her husband Keith was Chief Executive of MCC.

It ended when they returned to Australia after five years at Lord's, a stint longer than should be asked of any man. Sadly it wasn't simply the stress of residing in the egg-and-bacon minefield that led them home. Keith had contracted cancer, which was treated, but has returned.

Sara has set up the Keith Bradshaw Appeal (click here to find it) which will help to meet the costs of his treatment, and also go towards the Laurie Engel Fund at Birmingham Childrens' Hospital.

Do pay a visit and make a donation if you can. It's Ashes year, but we're all on the same side really.

And good luck to Keith. The pommie bastards are with you. It might not be 10-0 if that makes you feel any better...

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